Marching Against Monsanto

With scientists indicating their GMO seeds have caused
colony collapse among the world’s bee population, Torbay Fightback is concerned
at the damage Monsanto will wreak upon the fragile eco-system in its quest for
increased profits. There are also health
concerns, with research showing that Monsanto’s genetically-modified foods can
lead to serious health conditions such as the development of cancer, infertility
and birth defects.
Monsanto has connections with the US military, and was
involved in the development of Agent Orange during the Vietnam war.
Torbay Fightback is hoping this action will highlight the
damage Monsanto is inflicting upon the world. We call on stores throughout
South Devon to stop stocking Monsanto products such as Roundup. We ask for local councillors, the Mayor of
Torbay and Chambers of Commerce to support condemnation of this company, and
help drive their products from the shelves of stores in this area. Our message is simple. Let’s make South Devon
a greener place but ridding DIY stores and garden centres of Monsanto products.
The march takes place at 12noon, from Speakers Corner (near
Big Wheel) Torquay Seafront, finishing for a meeting at the Torquay Arts House
in Market Street.