Thursday, 9 May 2013

Fightback revive Bay's May Day rally

Around 30 people gathered in the English Riviera sunshine on May 5th for the first International Workers day event in Torbay for many years.

Representatives had been invited from a number of Trade Unions and political parties of the left, but only official representatives from the Unite community branch, Torbay Trades Council and the Communist Party of Britain attended. Apologies were received from CND and Exeter Left Unity, Sean Brogan of the Socialist Party and Lynton North of Green Left. Others spoke in an individual capacity.

The event took the form of an ‘Occupy’ style open discussion, with everyone given the opportunity to say a few words. People spoke about the Bedroom Tax, cutting Civil List payments, the Living Wage, unemployment, privatisation and the Bedroom Tax,  with some speaking on personal experiences. However the overall theme was of unity in the face of savage attacks by the ConDems on ordinary people.

The event ended with live music in the form of protest songs from up and coming musician Steven Moonfox Gladwyn and friends.

The format, although totally different from other May Day rallies, was more people orientated and it seemed to work. Torbay Fightback hope to be involved in organising another rally next year.

People gathering at the first International Workers Day event in Torbay for many years

All those present had an opportunity to speak

Tim Gulliver, Executive Committee member of the Communist Party of Britain spoke at the rally

Unison member and secretary of Torbay & District Anti Cuts Alliance, Michelle Louise Goodman

Anarchist, Anonymous and Communist Party flags at the rally

The Morning Star on sale

Music to end the rally

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