Sunday, 24 February 2013

NHS, Workfare and Tesco in line for Fightback activity,

Torbay Fightback held a productive planning meeting on the 23rd February, with a number of activities discussed for the coming months.

The first of these takes place on Saturday 23rd March at 12noon in Victoria Street in Paignton, when Fightback activists will be calling for the NHS to be reclaimed from privatisation. The event will revolve around a Fightback stall and a petition to Torbay’s two M.P’s asking them to help block further privatisation, and for a reversal of current policy. Further details will appear on the Activists Diary page of this site.

Other plans include support for ‘Boycott Workfare Week’ on the 18th -24th March. Activists can be supplied with leaflets which they can take and place in stores which currently use workfare staff. This includes the supermarket giant Tesco. Supermarket businesses will also see further Fightback activity in April, when we shall be opposing further unfair competition for independent traders in the form of a supermarket being proposed for the Town Hall car park in Torquay.

The meeting also endorsed Fightback’s commitment to support those in nearby towns outside Torbay. Discussions have already taken place between Fightback activists and members of the Totnes & South Devon Claimants Union (TCU).

Claimants' unions can enable people to support each other through mutual aid and solidarity in dealing with the benefit and tax credit bureaucracies. They can campaign against injustices such as the flawed Work Capability Assessment (WCA) done by profiteering DWP contractors (ATOS). Torbay Fightback plans to assist the TCU in their work and boost their street presence.

The TCU can be contacted at

Fightback welcomes ideas from activists and supporters on future activity. Please contact us at or join conversations on our facebook page.